Hershberger Shows Dedication

By: Brandon Pickeral

Mrs. Hershberger was chosen for her patience for teacher appreciation at Tussey Mountain High School.

When students mess around and are throwing stuff around not listening, Hershberger takes her time and makes sure to understand the situation before giving them consequences. For example, students in her 9th grade English class tend to goof off a lot and not listen. She immediately stopped them and asked what happened and got the class settled and ready to get to work.

Hershberger works her hardest and is appreciated for hard dedicated work. She takes time to get to know
her students to progress in the right way. Mrs.Hershberger explains “I see you as a human being
so I wanna understand the situation before giving consequences.”

Mrs. Herberger always loved to read stories and love’s writing. As a kid she grew up reading and
writing alot and it made her love english.

Hershberger makes a lot of connections with her students. You will often see Mrs. Hershberger
smiling. She explains “I don’t know if [my students] have smiled all day and I want to brighten someone’s
day.” She loves teaching and making her students smile. She has made it her number one goal
everyday to see them have a smile on their faces.

Hershberger is dedicated to her job and the students she teaches.

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